Uchte, Flecken Business Directory

Uchte, Flecken Business directory

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Landkreis Nienburg-Weser > Uchte, Flecken

Uchte, Flecken entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing informations of contact-data, hours and ratings. You can add your own company entry or organization here.

Uchte, Flecken entries

There were 363 entries found


Mhlenstr. 24
31600, Uchte

 (+49) 05763 2301
 (+49) 05763 2318

Bremer Str. 47
31600, Uchte

 +49 (0) 57633234

Strae Zur Sparkasse 2
31600, Uchte


Am Hoffeld 35
31600, Uchte



Bremer Str. 10
31600, Uchte

 05763 941968
 05763 943910

Höfen 5
31600, Uchte

 05763 2002
 05763 3381

Mesenburg 3
31600, Uchte

 +49 (0)57633232

Hoysinghausen 13
31600, Uchte

 (+49) 0 5763 / 2364

Brinkstr. 4
31600, Uchte

 (05763) 2827
 (05763) 3420

Mindener Str. 56
31600, Uchte


Mindener Str. 83
31600, Uchte

 (05763) 2044
 (05763) 1489

Wiesengrund 2
31600, Uchte

 +49 (0)5763814
 +49 (0)5763942595

Straße Zur Sparkasse 1
31600, Uchte

 (+49) 057633100
 (+49) 057633102

Mindener Str. 85
31600, Uchte

Am Mühlenberg 52
31600, Uchte

 (05763) 1880
 (05763) 18822

Woltringhausen 11
31600, Uchte

 +49 (0)57632223

Hoysinghausen 92
31600, Uchte

 (+49) 0 57632293

Haferkuhle 3
31600, Uchte

 +49 (0) 5763 - 96160
 +49 (0) 5763 - 20278

Auf Dem Kaltenhagen 10
31600, Uchte


Blumenland 10
31600, Uchte

1 2 3 4 5 >>


Cities & surrounding

Uchte, Flecken branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Uchte, Flecken in this month. This month 14 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 41 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Uchte, Flecken March 2025Diagram Uchte, FleckenDiagram Uchte, Flecken March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Uchte, Flecken with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Uchte, Flecken 2025Statistics Uchte, FleckenStatistics Uchte, Flecken 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Uchte, Flecken